Can Some Modern Songs Be Considered Mini Audio Books?
One of my most favorite music genres is Country and Western. My mother had a large complication of Johnny Cash numbers that we used to regularly listen to. My Spotify catalogue is full of numbers from Mark Collie to Emmylou Harris onto The Highwaymen, to mention just three.
Here I am suggesting that some songs can be more than just songs, From reading through their lyrics it can be seen that a sizeable number tell a determinable story. Sure the music track plays an important part in generating emotions for the listener but the words alone generate nearly the same ones.
This isn’t as strange as you may think because epic poetry in Antiquity was used to tell stories. Homer’s Iliad wasn’t told to its audience as the form in which we read it in books today.
A contemporary example is well illustrated by “Amy Eyes” by Charlie Pride.
It tells the story of a father of seeing a picture that his little girl has drawn. It contains two people and a space. She explains that the space is there because her mother has gone. The song finishes with an appeal by the father to the mother to return because their daughter misses her.
Listen to it and then read the lyric to see what I mean.
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