
The Economist

I am a big fan of this publication and have been a subscriber for over thirty years. I fortunately switched from receiving a print copy to reading it on line just before Covid struck in 2020.I can und ........

Streaming Channels

I have flitted between Amazon, Netflix and Disney Plus a year at the time over the years. I can’t say that I preferred one over the others. Contents rather than price has been the deciding factor. For ........

The Current Entertainment Strike in Hollywood

On one hand I feel for the actors and writers currently on strike in Hollywood. I did some acting as an extra in the early 2010s when I was employed. I appreciate how they feel about the long waits fo ........

The Parthenon and the Elgin Marbles

I expect that most people are familiarly with The Parthenon, the ancient Greek ruined temple that stands on the top of a hill over looking Athens.Similarly people with be familiar with the story of El ........

Lucas Films

I recently saw two podcast concerning Disney’s Lucas Film business.The first concerned the disappointed Star Wars films and series over the past decade. It is not me saying this but a great number of ........


Gardening is something I hate. All I do with mine is cut the grass. I feel that I need to keep the lawn in front of the house tidy in deference to my neighboursI am impressed with the amount of work a ........

AI and Art

I think that the potential uses and abuses of AI really became public knowledge earlier this year. This is when news items on various chatbots were being published.I came aware of how AI worked about ........

Can Some Modern Songs Be Considered Mini Audio Books?

One of my most favorite music genres is Country and Western. My mother had a large complication of Johnny Cash numbers that we used to regularly listen to. My Spotify catalogue is full of numbers from ........

Getting above the Social Media Noise

On finishing my IT degree in 2012 I spent six months with a small fashion retailer in Dublin. I taught myself something about promoting products on social media, something totally new to me. I learnt ........

RTE Short Story Competition 2023

I submitted my entry to this earlier in the week. Just for those who won't know RTE is the Irish state broadcaster. They run this competition each year. It is open to Irish nationals or people living ........